This pandemic has popularized a new acronym — WFH — Work From Home.
That scares me. I worry that WFH security is not what is should be.
IBM published a Work From Home Study. Here are their Key Points:
- 93% of those newly working from home are confident in their company’s ability to keep personal identifiable information (PII) secure while working remotely, yet 52% are using their personal laptops for work — often with no new tools to secure it, and 45% haven’t received any new training.
- More than half have yet to be given any new security policies on how to securely work from home, leaving 47% concerned about impending cybersecurity risks
- 53% of employees are using their personal laptops and computers for business operations while WFH, however 61% also say their employer hasn’t provided tools to properly secure those devices.
- More than half have not been provided with new guidelines on how to handle PII while working from home, despite more than 42% newly being required to do so as consumers lean on customer service representatives for a variety of services.
- 66% have not been provided with new password management guidelines, which could be why 35% are still reusing passwords for business accounts.
WFH scares me to death. What does this look like in another year?
Originally published at